Norway Permanent Residence Permit

Permanent Residence Permit

A permanent Residence permit is meant for a permanent permission to reside and work in Norway. It is not subjected to any time period and does not require to be renewed.

If you have been a citizen of Norway for three years and possess a work permit or residential permit of the sorts which has been given with the intention of a permanent residence in the country; and it can become a very strong basis for a permanent residence permit; then you can be issued a permanent residence permit. Foreigners who have attained Asylum also fulfill this condition. Those who have been given permission to stay on humanitarian and protection basis, foreigners coming through the family reunion visa, work permits issued for skilled force and specialists, all fall under the category. The permit always constitutes an explanation as to if the permit can become a basis of a permanent residence permit or not. In order for the Permanent residence permit to be issued it is deemed necessary that at the time of application all the required conditions are lawfully fulfilled.

If you are a citizen of European Union – EU, Exclusive Economic Zone – EOS, or the European Free Trade Association –EFTA; and you want to apply for the permanent residence permit then you will also have to fulfill the above stated conditions. Meaning that you must by necessity possess a permit or visa which can be deemed to deserve the permanent residence permit (You must also bear in mind that according to the regulations, having a work permit or residential permit while being a member of the European Union and Exclusive Economic Group does not automatically make you eligible for the permanent residence permit). An approved permanent residence permit cannot be revoked, despite the fact that now you may not be fulfilling the necessary and required set conditions for the work or residence permit, e.g. in the event of a divorce or unemployment.

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